A.IOlympiad Exam Instructions: Exam Format: Multiple-Choice Duration: 1 hours General Instructions: Materials: You are allowed to have with you during the exam, as specified by your instructor. Communication: You are not allowed to communicate with any other person during the exam. This includes talking, texting, or using any messaging apps. Technology: Ensure a stable internet connection and use a compatible browser. Make sure your device's battery is fully charged or plugged in. Plagiarism: Any form of plagiarism or cheating is strictly prohibited. This includes copying from external sources or using unauthorized aids. Browser Tabs: Please close all unnecessary browser tabs or windows, as the exam may be monitored. Exam Specifics: Question Format: This exam consists of multiple-choice questions. Number of Questions: There are a total of 36 questions in this exam. Scoring: Basic Section question is worth 2 points and Performer Section is worth 4 Points. The total exam score is 80. Submission: Once you answer all questions, click the "Submit" button to finalize your answers. Navigation: You can navigate between questions using the provided navigation buttons Please follow these instructions carefully during the online exam. If you have any concerns or technical issues, contact the designated support person or email address provided for assistance. Good luck! 1. What is AI? A robot A type of machine that can think A human None 2. Which of these can AI help with? Playing games Talking to friends Watching TV None 3. Which of these is an AI assistant? Alexa Chair TV None 4. Which of these things can a computer with AI do? Think and learn Eat food Sleep None 5. What do robots need to move? A computer brain Water A blanket None 6. What is a robot? A kind of animal A machine that can do tasks A Toy None 7. Which of these helps AI to see things? Eyes Camera Ears None 8. What does AI use to learn? Food Data Music None 9. Which of these is used by AI to talk to people? Telephone Voice Paint None 10. Can AI play chess? Yes No None 11. What is a self-driving car? A car that you drive A car that can drive by itself A car that can fly None 12. What does AI do when it makes a mistake? Learn from it Sleep Forget it None 13. Which of these is an AI-powered device? Phone Shoes Ball None 14. Which of these is NOT a task AI can do? Solve math problem Read books Make a sandwish None 15. What is a chatbot? A robot that talks A computer that chats with you A tye of phone None 16. Which one is an example of AI learning from experience? A robot teaching itself to play a game A tree growing A Person going to school None 17. Which of these can AI use to understand what you say? Microphone Earphone Shoes None 18. What do AI systems use to make decisions? Feelings Data Colors None 19. Which of these is an example of AI? A talking toy A pet dog A car None 20. Can AI help doctors? Yes No None 21. What does AI do when it sees many pictures of dogs? It learns to recognize dogs It forgets the pictures It eats the pictures None 22. What can AI do with voice commands? Ignore them Follow them to play music or set reminders Get confused None 23. Can robots with AI talk? Yes No None 24. What is AI used for in a smartphone? Making calls only Helping you search and answer questions Playing games only None 25. Which one is an example of AI helping humans? A smart speaker playing music when you ask A chair to sit on A lamp turning on by itself when you press a button None 26. What is the main job of AI? To learn new things and make decisions To play music To sleep None 27. Which of these can be an AI? A talking robot A fruit A chair None 28. What can AI do in video games? Make the game more fun by controlling characters Eat the game Break the game None 29. Can AI recognize objects in pictures? Yes No None 30. Which of these is powered by AI? A smartphone A pillow A door None 31. Which one is used for AI to talk to people? Phone Voice recognition software Pen None 32. What is the brain of a robot? A computer A lightbulb A wheel None 33. What is machine learning? A machine learning how to eat A machine learning how to play games and do tasks A machine laerning how to sleep None 34. How does AI know what to do? By following rules and learning By sleeping By guessing None 35. Which of these can AI control in a smart home? Lights Toys Books None 36. Can AI talk like humans? Yes No None You cannot switch tabs while taking this quiz!You are not allowed to switch tabs violation has been recorded.You cannot minimize full screen mode!You are not allowed to minimize full screen while taking this quiz, violation has been recorded.Access denied! To begin the quiz, please grant this quiz access to your camera.